Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stelvio Pass get into the middle of it to get near to Stelvio Pass bit

Spaghetti draped over a mountain and other eloquent prose drew us up and over Stelvio Pass. The manual Pugeot didn’t have enough torque at low revs (how car conscious is that, not my words however) to keep going all the time! Well I stalled it a bit on a couple of the hairpins. We felt for the cyclists as it was pretty hot. At one water trough we passed out cherries. There were motorcycles everywhere. At the top there were hundreds of them parking all over the road. Not the boys favourite bit of the trip, travelling just because, but they didn't feel too sick! -ed

It was then that I realised that I didn't know any Italian! I didn't even know what 'Arevadieci' meant. (Goodbye) We knew that Uffa means drat, but haven't got round to using it.

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