Monday, August 2, 2010

Lastly, the trip home via Kamakura, Japan

Off to Japan on a pretty empty flight, which was lucky as all the boys could stretch out a bit for a sleep.
The boot is on the other foot, taking photos of tourists in Japan by friendly passers by. You might see that Henry's neck was sore from Rome. All fine now.
The giant buddha, washed off its wall by a tsunami in 1944 or there abouts. The temples around it were destroyed too.

As Tokyo was frightfully expensive and very busy, we thought an easier stop over was reqiured. So we took the fast train for 2 hours to Kamakura, an old village now co-joined to Tokyo. It was once the capital of Edo when the shoguns were the rulers of Japan for 300 odd years and outsiders were not allowed. The people were the friendliest we had yet met as a group. Complete strangers would come up to you and talk for ages about where you were from and then in detail about New Zealand. If they could only speak Japanese they were still very friendly. But even the cheap sushi bars were very dear! It was tropically warm and humid and after the first day it rained on and off. Still the umbrellas make a nice picture. No views of the volcanoes though.

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