Friday, July 23, 2010

Zermatt and the Matterhorn in Switzerland

Lac (lake) Leman and a real paddle steamer
It is hard to find any real cows on display
One of four thousand plant photos, a gentian
a marmot
The Matterorn
So we did need to pack the parkas and jerseys!
One mountain lake had millions of tadpoles
Zermatt was full of contrasts, a few old barns next to huge swiss style hotels
A butterfly expertly caught by Henry on the geraniums

Zermatt was the town of the pocket knife. very shop could be trawled for the range (the range was almost always identical) Max managed to find one with the Matterhorn on it, George got the 'Camper' and Henry got a slim line version. There was one for euro 470 which you can double for NZ$!!! We hoped that once everyone had one we could ignore the displays, but no! -ed

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