Friday, June 11, 2010

By Henry at AARDMAN!!!!

(Henry was so lucky, much luckier than all us hangers on who also wanted to see the works! -ed) I have been looking forward to visiting Bristol ever since I heard rumour of what was within it- Aardman. Where Wallace & Gromit was made. Every part f the famous programme is made there- props, models, sets, the animations, the reproductions and the moulds in which the puppets are made. I had brought along a few of my own models, and I had taken no chances of breakages on route from New Zealand. We only got in as someone was exiting the building and we got to talk to the lady at the reception desk. She checked to see if Nick Park was in when she heard we were from New Zealand! I was allowed to look in the model making department and take photos too! I saw many props and so on. It was very interesting, especially when I was shown the moulds in which they made Gromit. They had every thing one could want when it came to model making for Wallace and Gromit. I heard that there were some rooms in which commercials were made and even staff weren't allowed in, let alone a 10 year old New Zealand fan. I also noted that there was a good bit more souvenirs and memorabilia in shops around Bristol.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pleased your got to the Wallace and Grommit show Henry. this will undoubtedly be a highlight of the trip for you!!! Mrs Haywood
