Monday, June 14, 2010

Hay-on-Wye bookshops by Henry

Henry loves bookshops and Hay was full of them, the town is know for its bookshops, and has the only specialist poetry bookshop in Britain. There were so many lovely second hand books for so little, however they were all really heavy. Geoff bought an illustrated Uncle Rhemus. This book shop was our favourite. -ed

I expected many things from Hay, but not that it had a castle and that it was a book and antiques
town. Now books and especially antiques are my favourite things, and collecting natural curiosities is another pass-time. Well, the whole town was based around dozens of bookshops, one of the most beautiful had 3 floors packed with shelves crammed with novels, poetry, literitures, even some huge books reprinted from New Zealand , a book of birds and about the Maori. The festival was started by a man who won a lottery and spent the money starting a book festoval since the town was a book town! Now it is a huge festival every year.


  1. Dear Max, George and Henry, We have loved finding out about your trip by reading your blog. Henry, how many books have you read? Max, what kind of food have you been eating? George, what is the most interesting thing you have seen on your holiday so far? Keep having fun! Love Learning community 10 and Mrs Haywood and Mrs Cider.

  2. Thank you West Melton School, I hope this gets to you, didn't realise what we had to do. will get the boys to comment tomorrow
