Sunday, June 6, 2010

preliminary ramblings
By George

I hope I have enough money to buy a honda motor. If I can't get a motor I will look for a pocket knife. A Swiss Army one maybe. I would also like to look at Lego and war things. (George really enjoyed "The Machine Gunners" by Robert Westall. It is brilliant! I think he hopes to find shell cases on the ground and bits of messerschmits under bushes -ed.) And I am interested in the canal boat and doing interesting things. I will like going on the plane. I think it will be hot!

By Max

I would like to buy a pocket knife and I want to buy a Wilesco steam engine (Max raised lots on money by selling teddybears, however the boys seem to be very materialistic don't they, and the first trips proved this to be true -ed.) I looking forward to see a steam show and mountains. I want to ride on a roller coaster and a 747 and a canal boat.

I think it will be beautiful. There will be a lot more steam engines and more smaller houses . It will be crowded in some places and lonely in some.

By Henry
A few weeks ago, on a drizzly Friday, I heard that Mum has arranged and got tickets for a big vacation in Europe. I was ecstatic - I haven't been o'er the Tasman (although that was grand too). We skipped gym for a treat and ruined a bike with the trebuchet (teeheeheee - choking laughed). On May 24th I said "Au revoir" to school for 9 weeks. Went home and packed our bag. I'm going to try to use operation purswasion to get into Aardman*, the creators of Wallace and Gromit, and Chicken run. My favourite. Anyway, I'm taking some of my own models to show, they are made of plasticene, can't have them rattling on the way! So I'm taking no chances on packing (tissue inside of the ex-sewing box they are in, cheese cloth on the outside and tied with string and labels with transport details etc) My anticipations for Europe are - very bracing air, busy cities, interesting people, languages and cultures. Its history too. I'm 1/4 Dutch and low and behold, we're going to Amsterdam! Well, that's all I can say for the moment, for I am writing at home - we're leaving tonight - so that's all I can say!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you will see lots of merchandise to purchase on your travles, boys. Tkae care of those models in transit Henry!!
