Monday, June 14, 2010

Duxford Air Museum

The Blackbird taken by Max, just look at those lines.


We went to Duxford from Bronwyn and Andrew's place in London (spent the night in a pub -ed) We first played with the flying and science displays and then we saw the Concord (and other fantastic planes too like the first ever planes and aerobatic ones) It was so hot that we really needed lots of water and icecreams. Planes were flying around too, you could go for rides. Some were doing skillful aerobatics.

We went to the tank shed, George and I thought and planned to make a pedal powered tank at home. We drew plans. We found out lots about the world wars. It must have been horrible but exciting too. I didn't know they used so much barbed wire.

The Blitz of London was awful. We got to make a necklace out of buttons. There were boxes and boxes of old, shiny war buttons with different sizes and patterns (monograms) Henry made one about 6'' in diameter covered in buttons. He was very pleased with himself. Especially since e got to take them home. This was to teach us about rationing and using old things again.
We saw a B52 bomber, It was huge and it dropped hundreds of tonnes of bombs in a raid. It had lots of sets of wheels under its wings since they were so huge. It was just scary! I also saw some bouncing bombs as were used by the dam busters. The black bird was huge too for only two pilots. It can go so fast that you can fry an egg on the window (if it didn't get whipped off -ed.)
It was used for spying. It doesn't have any weapons. It shaped for speed and painted to hide in radar. It has lead in its paint.

We loved the shop. I got a spitfire and a parachute man. George got a Messerschmitt 109 plane that goes round and round. Henry got a package of war posters, ration books etc. (They are really interesting -ed.). He also got a naval, army and airforce man and Winston Churchill (he was the prime minister in the war) We bought Usborne True Stories "The Second World War" by Paul Dowswell.

Before we went on holiday we read "The Machine Gunners" by Robert Westall. It was fantastic. It had lots of tense situations for Chas the hero . He tried to shoot German troops and planes down (they were expected to invade Britain and were bombing often -ed.) He got a machine gun out of a German plane that had been shot down. It was very exciting. In the end it was a bit sad.

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