Friday, June 11, 2010

From Henry, Hong Kong

We arrived in Hong Kong in a 777 200er aircraft with $1,400 of the native currency. ($300 NZ) The airport is gigantuan. It is in the tropics, so it was very, very hot. Hong Kong was different from home. Where it wasn’t green with forests and lush vegetation on steep hillsdes, it was commercial factories and domestic housing estates and huge apartment buildings as far as the naked eye can see. There are shops and hotels, and we were staying in one called the Harbour Plaza in North Point. The hotel looked grand , it was very comfortable. There was a buffet breakfast and I had a large amount, what an amazing choice, I was famished as the plane food is horrible. I passed the time studying coins and notes. (This has become a continual persuit- ed.) They were rather interesting (they have to be complex to prevent forgery). It is easy to loose ones hat in a taxi when you are very tired. The taxi was small, full of us and luggage and stopped in a dark foyer so that my best train hat was invisible on the floor in the back.

We visited the Ocean Park. My best bits were the jelly fish in large tanks in the mirrored, darkened display area and the pandas. (There was a great display of goldfish varieties and art associated with them - ed)

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo Henry!! Good to read your interest in forgery from the Enrichment programme is being further developed during your travels!! Mrs Haywood
